As mobile devices partner up with location based services such as Foursquare and Yelp, it has undoubtedly changed the way your customers find and use your business. The data offered by these services is a real time-saver and social proof catalyst that offers them more information on where to eat, sleep, shop and be entertained. What else can you do to make sure that your small business can make the best use of these location based services?
Here are 7 tips to help you profit from location based marketing!
- Ensure that your local listings are correct – It really should go without saying, but it doesn’t, so here goes. Make certain that your listings in Google+ Local, Yelp, FourSquare and any other service or listings you have are correct in terms of name, address, phone, maps and anything else you want to convey.
- Mobile responsive website design is crucial – Since more and more users are accessing your site from a mobile device, it’s more critical than ever before to have a mobile version of your site that renders correctly.
- Pushing and pulling – There are two ways to reach consumers: you can push ads out to those who are in your area, as well as being available to those who are wanting to discover someone just like you where they are!
- Local reviews can make a difference – Most shoppers are making local purchasing decisions based upon reviews they read. It’s still a great idea to encourage and reward reviews of your business, as this could be the swing vote!
- Offer great incentives – There is a lot of solid competition out there, so a outstanding incentive will almost certainly grab a larger market share.
- Stay up on reviews and social media – Don’t let your social media go stale, and especially don’t ignore reviews, good or bad. Remember, consumers are watching!
- Consider deals for mobile wallet users – Here’s one your competition is very likely not using yet: consider offering deals to customers who use their mobile wallets, like Google Wallet, Passbook or any other. Engage them with special offers and discounts only accessible to them!